Interface | Description |
HasID |
HasID -- interface for objects which have ID fields.
IsCloseable |
IsCloseable -- interface for objects which can be closed.
Map2D<R extends java.lang.Comparable,C extends java.lang.Comparable,V> |
Interface for two dimensional map.
Map3D<R extends java.lang.Comparable,C extends java.lang.Comparable,S extends java.lang.Comparable,V> |
Interface for two dimensional map.
Serializer |
Interface for object serialization to and from an array of bytes.
SparseBitSet.BinOp | |
TaggedStrings |
Interface for a bunch of strings with associated values.
UsesZipFile |
Interface for using a Zip file.
XCloneable |
Interface for a cloneable object.
Class | Description |
ArgumentList |
BufferedRandomAccessFile |
Extension fo the RandomAccessFile to use buffered I/O as much as
CharUtils |
Character utilities.
ClassUtils |
Class utilities.
Cloner |
Cloner -- Clones an object using serialization/deserialization.
Compare |
Comparison utilties.
CompoundKey |
A compound key class for collections.
CompressedHashMap<K,V> |
A hash map which stores its values in compressed form.
CompressedSerializer |
Serialize and unserialize objects with GZIP compression.
CountMapUtils |
Count map utilities.
DebugUtils |
Debug utilities.
DirectoryTreeList |
Walk directory tree to create list of files and directories.
DirUtils |
Directory utilities.
DynamicCall |
Env |
Environment information.
ExecUtils |
Execute system commands.
FileBatchProcessor |
Process batch of files.
FileInfo |
Holds information about a single file.
FileNameUtils |
File name utilities.
FileUtils |
File utilities.
Formatters |
Formatting utilties.
HashMap2D<K1 extends java.lang.Comparable,K2 extends java.lang.Comparable,V> |
Two dimensional HashMap.
HashMap3D<K1 extends java.lang.Comparable,K2 extends java.lang.Comparable,K3 extends java.lang.Comparable,V> |
Three dimensional Map.
IsCloseableObject |
IsCloseableObject -- an object which can be closed.
KeyedLists<K extends java.lang.Comparable,V> |
Maps keys and lists of values.
KeyedSets<K extends java.lang.Comparable,V> |
Maps keys and sets of values.
ListFactory |
Factory for creating ArrayLists.
ListUtils |
List utilities.
Map2DFactory |
Factory for creating a HashMap2D.
Map2DUtils |
Map utilities.
Map3DFactory |
Factory for creating a HashMap3D.
Map3DUtils |
Map utilities.
MapFactory |
Factory for creating maps.
MapUtils |
Map utilities.
MutableInteger |
Implements an integer object wrapper which allows changing the integer value.
MutableLong |
Implements a long object wrapper which allows changing the long value.
NullOutputStream |
A null output stream which ignores all output written to it.
PatternReplacer |
Defines a pattern replacer.
PropertyUtils |
Read and write properties files.
QueueStack<E> |
A stack implemented using a single-ended queue.
ResourceUtils | |
RomanNumeralUtils |
Roman numeral utilities.
ScoredString |
Associates a string with a score.
SetFactory |
Factory for creating a HashSet.
SetUtils |
Set utilities.
SingleTagTaggedStrings |
A tagged strings implementation where all strings have the same tag value.
SortedArrayList<E> |
Sorted array list.
SparseBitSet |
A set of bits.
StreamGrabber |
Grabs output from a stream and stores the output in a list of text lines.
StringPrintWriter |
A PrintWriter that maintains a String as its backing store.
StringUtils |
String utilities.
TaggedStringsMap |
Wraps a map as a TaggedStrings object.
TaggedStringsSet |
Wraps a set as a TaggedStrings object.
TernaryTrie |
TernaryTrie is an implementation of a ternary tree. |
TernaryTrieNode |
A ternary trie node.
TextFile |
TextFile reads a text file into an array of strings.
TreeMap2D<K1 extends java.lang.Comparable,K2 extends java.lang.Comparable,V> |
Two dimensional TreeMap.
UnicodeReader |
Generic unicode text reader.
URLUtils |
URL utilities.
UTF8Properties |
UTF8Properties -- A UTF8 compatible version of Java Properties.
UTF8PropertyUtils |
Read and write UTF8 properties files.
WhitespaceTrimmingBufferedReader |
A BufferedReader that trims whitespace from input lines.
ZipUtils |
Zip file utilities.
Exception | Description |
EmptyQueueStackException |
Stack overflow error.
InvalidDataException |
Exception for reporting invalid data input.
Reusable utilities, primarily non-visual.